Every Hipcamper has a profile on Hipcamp. Profiles contain information about a Hipcamper that you can check at any point after they initiate contact. Here is a list of the information that is available on a profile:
- Name
- How long they've been on Hipcamp
- Where they're located*
- Whether they have verified their email address*
- Whether they have connected their Facebook account*
- How many trips they've booked through Hipcamp
- Any reviews that other Hosts have submitted about that Hipcamper
If you would like to view a Hipcamper's profile, you can do so through your Inbox!
- Log into your Hipcamp account and navigate to your Inbox.
- Once you find your message thread with a Hipcamper, at the top, you'll see their name. If you click on their name, you'll be taken to their profile!
*Please note that not every Hipcamper will have the above information on their profile. It will only be on their profile if they provided that information to Hipcamp.