If you are hosting on Pitchup in addition to Hipcamp, it's important that your calendars are properly synced to prevent double bookings. When set up properly, calendars will be synced regularly to keep availability up to date and we will always sync your calendars right before a new Hipcamp booking is put through to make sure no double bookings occur.
Please note: Sync tools are only available on live sites and this must be done on a desktop device at this time.
Step 1: Grab your Hipcamp link to export into Pitchup
- Visit your External Calendars page. You can navigate there from your Dashboard homepage or via your Calendar under the Options tab. The above link will take you right there!
- Click Add a calendar and name it Pitchup
- Copy the Hipcamp export link and hit Save
Step 2: Add your Hipcamp Calendar link into Pitchup
First, you need to activate the calendar functionality on your listing.
- Login to your Pitchup account
- Visit the allocation tab in your manager portal
Click the button "Add external calendar feed" at the top right of the page. Pitchup will email you automatically to confirm your listing has been enabled.
Click the arrow underneath each campsite type on the left
Click "Create site/accommodation unit" to create the correct number of physical units (currently there may be none, even though the counts for each site type may be visible).
If you already have future Pitchup bookings, ensure they are on the unit that matches the calendar feed being used, by dragging them up or down using the mouse. If you need to change the dates or site type of a Pitchup booking, use the flagging system.
Paste the Hipcamp link into the pop-up. Be careful to use the link corresponding to the right unit - you also have the option to specify a name/number for each unit at the top of the same pop-up
Now click the Update button. The pop-up window will close.
Click the "Reset allocation" button for each site type to set "Allocation left to sell" to the number of units left over, taking into account units available to book and any external bookings for each unit's calendar feed.
Step 3: Adding your Pitchup link into Hipcamp
- Copy the Pitchup calendar feed link (beginning with https) from the pop-up, and go back to your Hipcamp External Calendars page
- Click Edit on the specific site that you are syncing with Pitchup and paste your Pitchup link into the Import Link box
- Hit Save and visit the page in a few hours to make sure that your two-way sync is active!
You’ll be able to tell things are working if you see the green Connected label next to your calendars.
This is what it will look like if everything is working: