Not only are you able to leave reviews for trips you've taken, but Hosts are able to review you as a Hipcamper in the community.
Reviews from Hosts will be posted on your profile for other Hosts to see. This system helps build trust and helps to set expectations on both sides of the community.
To learn how to leave a review for a trip, check out this FAQ!
Please note that at this time, you can't check these reviews through the app. You will have to log into your account through a browser.
How to check the reviews that Hosts have left:
- Navigate to your profile by clicking your profile picture on the top-right of the page.
- Click on the Reviews tab at the top of that page.
- Here you will see a list of any reviews Hosts have submitted for you. If the Host hasn’t left a review, it will say that the trip went smoothly.
If you disagree with a review that has been left by a Host, feel free to check out this FAQ.
Also, if you're looking for a review that you wrote, those will show up on your Trips page!