Unit photos that are contributed from Hipcampers and Hosts are an important part of Hipcamp. A picture can say a thousand words, and images of campsites, amenities, views, and activities can help potential Hipcampers decide to make a booking. Most of the time, photos are accurate and helpful for potential Hipcampers to view. However, if you’d like to remove a photo or hid a photo that was uploaded by a camper, you can do so by following the steps below:
How to remove photos from your Property and Site pages:
- Visit the Property tab on the Dashboard
- Click Edit property details
- Navigate to the Photos tab and click Add or edit photos
- Click the photo you'd like deleted
- If it is your photo, click the trash can icon. If it is a camper photo, click Hide
- Note that this will remove it from the Property and any Sites where it is also a photo
How to remove photos from a specific Site:
- Click Sites located next to ‘Property’
- Click Edit next to the site you’d like to edit
- Navigate to the Photos tab and click Add or edit photos
- Click the photo you'd like deleted
- If it is your photo, click the trash can icon. If it is a camper photo, click Hide
- You can choose whether to remove the photo from the specific site or everywhere (the site and property albums)
- Refresh the page to see the changes
From your public Property page:
- Visit your public Property page (the page that appears in search)
- You can choose to view either your Property photos or the photos on a specific unit page
- Locate the photo that you would like removed
- When viewing the photo, click the 3 dots in the top right corner and select Hide photo from the dropdown menu
- Confirm that you would like to remove the photo
- Refresh the page to see the changes
Note: Hiding a photo from your public property or unit album will remove it everywhere.
Please also note that as a Host, you are also able to reorder your own photos if you want certain ones to appear at the beginning of all of the photos.