Selecting the correct accommodation type helps Hipcampers to understand whether or not you are providing accommodations for them (such as a cabin, tent, or yurt).
If you do not provide accommodations it can also help them identify which type of accommodation you allow them to bring (Tent or Vehicle camping).
Updating the Accommodation Type
- Click on Property from your Host Dashboard
- Click on Units located next to ‘Overview’
- Click Edit next to the Unit you would like to edit
- Click on Accommodation type on the left side of the screen
- Click Edit
- Select the accommodation type
- Click Done
Note: If you have selected a Lodging when creating the Unit, you will only be able to change the accommodation type to another lodging. If you have selected a campsite, you will only be able to change the type of accommodation that you allow them to bring (RVs, tents, or car camping).
You can’t change from a campsite to a lodging and vice versa.
For more information about the different options we have, check out this FAQ: How best to categorise my lodging type for my unit.